Job Advice Blog

Archives: 2015

New Questions for your New Employer! [part 2]

If you read our last post you’ve learned a bit about what you should know about the work environment before taking the job, which is good. But, the work environment is not the only reason to take a job- you also want to know about the money!

Now, you can (and should) ask about money, ...

New Questions for your New Employer! [part 1]

The job offer came through for you this morning, you woke up to a voicemail telling you that you have been accepted for the position. This is excellent news, but before you call back and say “yes, yes, a thousand times yes,” you should prepare a couple questions. Maybe the job is all you’ve ever ...

Reflections on Rejections

Rejection can be an incredibly scary idea. You put in the long hours perfecting your resume. You go in and use all the interview tips you’ve learned. You craft the perfect follow-up e-mail. And then, you receive a letter saying someone else was hired. It can be a crushing blow, but it doesn’t have to ...

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The Best Ways to eat Humble Pie at Work

Humility is a virtue, but it is often used poorly. We all admire people who do good work, but manage to stay humble about it. But, often times we don’t realize how many humble people go unrecognized or unnoticed because they are too humble, humble to the point where no one recognizes that you are ...

Authenticity- the best policy

Job hunting is like a complex and difficult dance, and it easy to misstep in subtle ways. One of the most difficult things to balance is on one hand is looking like the candidate we think that companies want to hire, while also trying to stay true to ourselves. In most situations, however, we do ...

The Quitting Question

Figuring out when it is a good idea to quit your job, and when it is a good idea to stay can be difficult. Luckily, we are here to help you with that decision! We are going to help you ask the right questions, and give you some advice on keeping your job history as ...

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Small Business- Big Rewards

When you are looking for a new job, factors like salary and prestige are important, but they are by no means the only important aspects. Big companies often will be able to offer the biggest salaries and have the most prestigious work force, but that does not mean that they are necessarily the best starting ...

Branding Your Personal Brand

In our culture the idea of branding is embedded in everything. This is easy to see with big names in the business world, but it applies to all of us. An easy way to think of this is with car companies. When we think of a company like Ferrari, we think of speed and wealth, ...

New Ideas for New Jobs

Starting a new job after a long search is a very exciting time, but it is not necessarily the end of your journey. If you’re reading this you have been putting in the time and effort it takes to get hired, so if you’ve found employment- pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself on ...

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Keeping the "Job" in "Jobsearch"

Few activities seem as daunting and impossible as job searching. I’ve always been the type of person who will complete whatever task I am asked to, but only once I’m asked to. Which is why job searching is such a difficult thing for me- there is no simple task. Searching for a job is a ...