Job Advice Blog

Archives: October 2015

Career Changing- is it right for you?

It is important to remember that if you are not happy in your career- you can change it! However, doing 
so is not something to be done on a whim. Today we are going to look at which motives for changing 
careers are good, and which motives may end up doing you more harm than ...

A Great Way to Start Your First Day

The cool thing about the first day at a new job is… you now have a job! The hard-work paid off 
and you are now employed. The next challenge is a completely new experience, and there is a lot 
to do to ensure that it goes well. The two things to keep in mind when ...

Choosing Between Jobs

With any luck, you may end up in the type of situation where you not only have ONE job offer, but have 
multiple job offers. We all know the expression, "When it rains, it pours." It really is true. As wonderful 
as it is to know that two different companies want you, it can be ...

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Public Office (or why you shouldn't work from home)

Motivating yourself to sit down and crank out the work it takes to get a job can be difficult, especially because you have the freedom to do all your work from home. Our homes are usually full of distractions. In some ways this is a good thing, it is nice to have a lot of ...

Learning New Ways to Learn New Skills!

In your search you are going to come across a lot of jobs that sound fantastic, but have skill requirements that you just don’t feel like you meet. Don’t let this discourage you! In the world today, there are almost endless opportunities to gain those skills while off the job. This post will be about ...

Changing for a Changing World

The rapidly changing, technologically advancing, socially morphing world keeps changing the rules to the game of careers. Every year there are all types of new jobs that are created, as well as huge numbers of jobs that get automated. As job searchers this can be scary to think about, that the job you want might ...

Interview Recap!

If you’ve been following our blog, chances are you have read all about nailing the interview. We wanted to take the time to do a little refresher course, in case it has been a little while since you read those posts, or you are new to our blog. We break down the interview into 5 ...

Continue Reading Interview Recap!

A Consulting Vision for your CV

If you are reading this, then chances are you are looking for the next step in your career. I encourage you to think outside of the box for this, your next big step might be one entirely of your own making. Consider starting your own business, it might be the perfect step for your career. ...